Strategic Entrepreneur Networking Event - June 19, 2024

As part of attending our events and being a part of our community, we've posted copies of the slides and the recordings of the events for your access. 


Event Highlights: Networking Opportunities Like Never Before: Connect with like-minded professionals, industry experts, and fellow enthusiasts in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. Expand your network and forge valuable connections that can have a lasting impact on your career and personal growth.


Panel Discussions: Immerse yourself in insightful panel discussions featuring renowned experts and leaders in their respective fields. Dive deep into captivating topics, gather valuable insights, and gain actionable advice to enhance your professional journey.


The event included the following:


  • A real estate panel with Zac Willms, Mathew Frederick, Andrew Hines and Brady McDonald.
  • The Strategic Share session had many people go up on stage for their asks.
  • The main speaker was Brady McDonald who spoke about his life changing experience and how you can do it too.

Before you pay to enroll, remember that if you attended our event in person then you should already have access to this once you've logged in!


Patrick Jones - Course author

Brady McDonald

Meet the Keynote Speaker
Brady McDonald isn't your average CEO. His journey is a testament to relentless drive and unwavering belief. Starting from the ground up as an arborist, he took a calculated leap into real estate investing, risking everything to chase his vision.

Today, Brady stands at the helm of a multi-million dollar real estate empire spanning the US and Canada. His portfolio extends beyond this single success, encompassing ventures in car washes, storage facilities, and renovation companies. His path is marked by the battle scars of an entrepreneur, a testament to his business acumen and unwavering spirit.

But Brady's ambition reaches beyond the boardroom. He's a conqueror of Ironman races and 100 mile ultra-distance runs, pushing his physical and mental limits to achieve peak performance. These experiences fuel a "Zero to 100" mentality, inspiring him to take decisive action and empower others to launch and scale their dreams, whether in real estate, entrepreneurship, or fitness.

Brady's message is clear: we can achieve anything we set our sights on. He's a speaker who not only offers actionable business strategies, but also ignites the fire within to chase audacious goals.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Zac Willms

Meet the Panelists

Zac Willms has been a licensed Realtor for 6 years, with a strong focus on commercial real estate for the past 3 years. Currently, Zac manages over $50 million in listings throughout Southern Ontario, with the majority being off-market properties. In addition to his real estate endeavors, Zac owns and operates multiple other businesses within the real estate sector, providing him with diverse streams of income and a robust understanding of the industry.

Zac is deeply passionate about traveling the world and relishes the ability to operate his business seamlessly from any timezone. This global perspective not only broadens his professional network but also enriches his personal experiences, contributing to his growth as an entrepreneur. Whether he's closing deals from a bustling city or a remote island, Zac's commitment to his clients and businesses remains unwavering.

Patrick Jones - Course author

 Mathew Frederick


Mathew Frederick began his career as a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve, developing strong leadership and strategic thinking skills. After studying Computer Systems Technology, he worked as a programmer for a major bank and then as a Computer Systems Analyst at IBM. He also spent a decade teaching business and computer systems at the college level while investing in real estate and launching various businesses.

Over the past 25 years, Mathew has opened three restaurants, two wellness clinics, a senior day center, and a light manufacturing company, employing over 200 people. His entrepreneurial ventures reflect his ability to identify opportunities across different industries and his commitment to fostering growth and innovation. Mathew continues to seek new ventures, driven by his passion for business and dedication to making a positive impact.

Patrick Jones - Course author

Andrew Hines

Meet the Panelists
Andrew Hines is an experienced real estate investor, business-builder, educator, number one best-selling author, and podcast host, well-recognized for his extensive experience in the field. Andrew graduated with an HBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business in 2008 and spent three years teaching introductory business at Western University as a Lecturer. He has been investing in real estate since 2011 and completing value-add projects since 2015, primarily in the luxury student rental space. Andrew started a project management company for building out new-construction townhomes in 2016 and has since built over 50 residential units throughout Southwestern Ontario. Andrew is an advocate for treating real estate investing like a business and uses his experience in his educational endeavors, coaching numerous investors on strategies to achieve financial independence and scale their portfolios effectively.

His podcast, "The Andrew Hines Real Estate Investing Podcast," serves as a platform for sharing insights, strategies, and success stories, connecting a community of like-minded individuals passionate about real estate investing. With a background that blends practical investing experience and investor-focused work, Andrew has become a pivotal figure in the Canadian real estate investing community.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the HOSTS

Danielle Chiasson

Danielle Chiasson is a serial entrepreneur known for her work in the field of real estate investing in residential redevelopment and rental housing. Focused in Ontario, her many projects have ranged in scope from light clean-ups to full renovations, as well as legal duplex, triplex conversions, and multi-unit flips. She works as a general contractor managing various trades & staff, while managing her organization. She fills her days operating multiple businesses, underwriting properties, balancing finances, managing rental properties, and endlessly educating herself and others. She is also a member and contributor of several real estate education organizations. Danielle is passionate about business and real estate, and shares her experience and knowledge with other investors through speaking engagements and various online platforms, and is very excited about re-launching Strategic Success Consulting.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Kory MacKinnon

A former Corporate Trainer, Kory found his passion for real estate investing in his late teens after reading David Chilton’s book The Wealthy Barber.  However, lack of knowledge, systems and trusted mentors kept him from pulling the trigger on his first property until he was 30 years of age.

As the saying goes, the seed was planted and from that day forward, Kory used two decades of business experience to turn his lucrative real estate side hustle into early retirement.