Unlocking Financial Growth

Join Darren Mitchell as he explains the Infinite Banking concept and what it means to use it to unlock your financial potential!  Click below to watch the recording for free, all you need is a free account!
Patrick Jones - Course author

Darren Mitchell

Meet the EXPERT
Darren Mitchell & Christina Wyatt, who, alongside their team of Wealth Coaches, work with a large client base of Canadian real estate investors and business owners from coast to coast to help them integrate the Infinite Banking Concept, or High-Cash Value insurance, into their lives. Darren is a successful real estate investor in Ontario and other provinces throughout the country, and in addition to owning land, multi-units and condos, he provides private lending services and invests in land development projects. He is the best-selling author of the books Be The Bank and Infinite Banking for Real Estate Investors both available on Amazon. He hails from Nova Scotia but has lived in Burlington, Hamilton, Port Credit, and downtown Toronto, before returning to Nova Scotia to build his business and raise his family. Christina Wyatt is a business owner and real estate investor in the Nova Scotia area. She recently built her first short term rental property with plans to expand into the multifamily market. As a business owner she knows firsthand that standard financial plans and cookie cutter strategies do not work for an entrepreneur or real estate investor so she, just like Darren, has made it her mission to share these specially designed strategies.

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About Your Hosts

Danielle Chiasson is a serial entrepreneur known for her work in the field of real estate investing in residential re-development and rental housing. Danielle fills her days with her coaching program, speaking engagements and has just launched her online educational platform.
Kory MacKinnon, a former Corporate Trainer, Kory found his passion for real estate investing in his late teens after reading David Chilton’s book The Wealthy Barber.  However, lack of knowledge, systems and trusted mentors kept him from pulling the trigger on his first property until he was 30 years of age.  As the saying goes, the seed was planted and from that day forward, Kory used two decades of business experience to turn his lucrative real estate side hustle into early retirement.

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